BLACK OBELISKAndrey SmirnovSymfomania
Young Russian metal band KOLIZEI established in the beginning of 2007 doesn’t limit itself with the style frames and borders, s there are soft metal and AOR songs as well as power metal killers in the repertoire of these musician. Recently formed, the band started its live career sharing the stage with such Russian rock and metal legends as EPIDEMIA, MASTER, BLACK OBELISK, KREMATORI, LEGION, BONI’ NEM among others. That same year KOLIZEI began its international career doing the shows in Baltic States, Armenia and USA (New York, Philadelphia). In the summer 2007 the vocalist of the band took part in the recording of the second part of the most famous Russian metal opera “Elfiyskaya Rukopis’”. At the end of 2007 KOLIZEI started the recording of its first studio album, which finally saw the light of day in 2009 through Russian label CD-Maximum.
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