The legendary Russian heavy metal band ARIA is considered to be the band Number One on Russian metal scene and really deserves it. Established in 1985, released many “must have” albums, played a lot of shows, gone through some line-up changes, this band is still one of the most important and influential metal acts in Russia. The music of Aria effectively combines NWOBHM influences, elevated old good Soviet standards of musical education and of performing, true metal spirit and high-class musicianship. As a leading band of the genre in Russia, ARIA has been called "Russian Iron Maiden", in spite of no close similarity in their musical styles, but rather due to the status of the band on the native metal scene. Lyrics mostly written by the famous rock poet Margarita Pushkina (in Russian) and visual aesthetics are done in the best traditions of the genre. During its glorious career Aria released more than 30 studio albums, singles, compilations, live CDs and DVD and filmed many videos. We present the current period of the creative work of these musicians, grown up and still full of ideas and positive energy to release albums, to play number of shows, to headline the biggest Russian festivals like NASHESTVIE, EMMAUS, bikers’ events among others. The members of its “classical” line-up Vladimir Kholstinin and Vitali Dubinin are the real keepers of the band’s traditions and original sound.

The band was established at the end of 1985 as the first really serious heavy metal act in Soviet Union. The birth of ARIA coincided with the beginning of “perestroika” and became a real symbol of a “new thinking” and the fall of Iron Curtain. ARIA formed the first generation of Soviet (then Russian) metalheads, established heavy metal traditions in the musical scene opening USSR/Russia for further generations of metal bands and for many bands from abroad to the hearts of the audience of the “Red” part of the world. The first hits of Aria as “Volya I Razum” or “Ulitsa Roz” sounded everywhere despite of the fact that official Soviet press was keeping silence regarding the new rock star during quite a long period of time.
Already in 1986 the band became a laureate of the "Rock-Panorama-86" and "Lithuanika-86" festivals. In the summer of 1988 Aria played at a big festival in Berlin in front of 120.000 people. Recorded a few studio masterpiece, played a lot of shows all around USSR and some in Europe, after some world crisis of the whole genre they created their own studio in 1994. It was called "ARIA Records" and became a pleasant home not only for the musicians of Aria themselves but for many other Russian bands as well.

Finally, the incredible popularity of Aria among audience, especially youngsters, was recognized by major mass media. MTV and other musical channels play Aria’s videos, various radio stations including the main one regarding Russian rock scene “NASHE radio” push Aria’s songs on the air. Aria has been regularly in the various hit parades and has won many diverse prestigious musical awards.

During many years Aria successfully co-operates with Russian representative of HARLEY DAVIDSON and plays actively at various bikers’ festival and events. Many Aria’s songs are devoted to bikers’ life-style and bikers’ philosophy.

Many times the band has been accepted well by international audience and by their colleagues from European metal scene. Aria has made European and Asian tours a few times. In 2000 the band made a huge Russian tour with Rage. Udo Dirkshneider participated in some Aria’s shows as a very special guest and recorded a special version of the song “Shtil” together with Valeri Kipelov, the vocalist of Aria, for the Tribute to Harley Davidson. Later Rammstein recorded cover version of this song, it was released under Germanized name Schtiel. The band recorded soundrack for the Russian computer game “Dalnoboischiki-1”. Their song Kolizei became a hymn of a national rugby cup.

During its long history ARIA got over many line-up changes and gave a birth to a few important solo projects and new bands: MASTER, KIPELOV, MAVRICK, ARTERIA and others. The present era of ARIA began at the beginning of 2002 when the original singer of ARIA Valeri Kipelov announced his departure from the band and started his own project called KIPELOV. Another outstanding Russian rock singer Artur Berkut (ex-AUTOGRATH, the legendary Soviet progressive band) took his place, and many outstanding records and live shows were made already with him as a front man.

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CDM's releases
Cat. ¹: 2525 | 2006  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The single of the Kings of Russian heavy metal. One new song for that moment (later it was included to Armageddon studio album) and two exclusive covers of Aria’s classics recorded specially for this release. One cover is a piano version of the song “Tam vysoko”. And another one represent the special version of Aria’s classical killer masterpiece – “Volya i Razum” recorded with a few very special quests, real legends of Russian rock scene as Konstantin Kintchev (ALISA), Vyatcheslav Butusov (ex-Nautilus Pompilius), Yuri Shevtchuk (ex-DDT), brothers Samoilov (AGATA KRISTIE), Sergey Mavrin (ex-ARIA, ex-KIPELOV), Andrei Bolshakov (cex-ARIA, ex-MASTER) among others.
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Cat. ¹: 2562 | 2006  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The members of “classical” Aria’s line-up Vladimir Kholstinin and Vitaly Dubinin are the real keepers of the band’s traditions and original sound with fast heavy killers and mid-tempo compositions, heavy riffs, impressive guitar solos and great melodies. Some Iron Maiden and Judas Priest influences, traditions of Russian rock music, brilliant lyrics by the band members and the best Russian metal songwriter Margarita Pushkina about the battle between good and evil. Heavy rapid tracks, metal anthems and epics and the romantic ballad “Svet Byloi Lyubvi”.
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Plyaska Ada (cd 1)
Cat. ¹: 2695/u | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The first part of the very special show played in Luzhniki Sport Hall on 10th of November 2006. The best of entire band’s career and the best of their last album at that moment Armageddon.
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Plyaska Ada (cd 2)
Cat. ¹: 2696/u | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The second part of the very special show played in Luzhniki Sport Hall on 10th of November 2006. The best of entire band’s career and the best of their last album at that moment Armageddon.
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Geroy Asfal'ta : 20 Let (cd 1)
Cat. ¹: 2906/u | 2008  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The first part of the very special show, real culmination of the extensive tour 20 Years Geroi Asphalta devoted to the Anniversary of legendary album of the Kings of Russian heavy metal. Released in 2007, the original album Geroi Asphalta still is considered to be one of the best records of the band. Published by the monopoly Melodia in USSR the LP sold over a million of copies. Every show of the original tour was sold out. And after 20 years the idea still worked. Moreover, former members of classical Aria’s line up the vocalist Valeri Kipelov and the guitarist Sergei Mavrin shared the stage with the present musicians of the band. This album is not only another live record. This is a exclusive sign of the real unique event. Recorded on 3th of April 2007 in Luzhniki Sport Hall. In this part: Oskolok Lda, Kolizei among other important songs.
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Geroy Asfal'ta : 20 Let (cd 2)
Cat. ¹: 2907/u | 2008  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The second part of the very special show, real culmination of the extensive tour 20 Years Geroi Asphalta devoted to the Anniversary of legendary album of the Kings of Russian heavy metal. Released in 2007, the original album Geroi Asphalta still is considered to be one of the best records of the band. Published by the monopoly Melodia in USSR the LP sold over a million of copies. Every show of the original tour was sold out. And after 20 years the idea still worked. Moreover, former members of classical Aria’s line up the vocalist Valeri Kipelov and the guitarist Sergei Mavrin shared the stage with the present musicians of the band. This album is not only another live record. This is a exclusive sign of the real unique event. Recorded on 3th of April 2007 in Luzhniki Sport Hall. In this part: Ulitsa Roz, Geroi Asphalta, Shtil among other important songs.
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Tribute to Aria XXV (2CD)
Cat. ¹: 2995/2996 | 2010  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
"Tribute to" release dedicated to the Kings of Russian heavy metal ARIA for the 25th anniversary of the band! In the middle of 80's ARIA became the pioneers of the genre in Soviet Union and the current and former musicians of the band are still the headliners of Russian metal scene. For ARIA's 25th anniversary CD-Maximum together with the leading Internet webzine about Russian metal presents the tribute «ARIA XXV». This double CD compilation consists of 25 ARIA covers recorded by 25 bands, including famous names with their own glorious background as well as promising newcomers. + One very rare bonus track: the song Vulkan which has been re-constructed using an old concert bootleg (1985) - the composition has never been recorded and it even has never been played until now.
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Cat. ¹: 3000 | 2011  [CD-Maximum][Instrumental / Symphonic Metal]
The album of this unique Ukrainian female band includes instrumental symphonic versions of several very famous and important songs of ARIA. The string section, keyboards and drums of “Symfomania” creates a very special sound based on the elements of symphonic rock and classical music.
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