Sergei Marvin (Mavrick) is one of the most renowned and respected guitar players on Russian heavy metal scene. He started his career in music in 1985 and till nowadays he releases sensational CDs and remains an idol of younger and elder metalheads in Russia. He was a member of classical line-ups of such major bands as ARIA and KIPELOV, participant of several cult projects like “Smutnoe Vremya”, he released a few important albums of his own band respected by the audience, and made his solo instrumental work. Also Sergei Mavrin is well-known as an author and as a host of his radio program “Zhelezni Zanaves” and famous by his stylish and typical metal image.

Sergei Mavrin made himself known for the first time in 1985 as a participant of the legendary Soviet rock band “Tcherni Kofe”. In the beginning of 1987 he joined ARIA, the Number One heavy metal band in USSR/Russia till nowadays. Together with Mavrin ARIA recorded such classical albums as “Geroi Asphalta” (1987), «Igra S Ognem» (1989), «Krov Za Krov» (1991). Sergei left ARIA at the end of 1994 to start his solo career. In 1995 one composition of Mavrin called «Flying» was included in a special compilation that presented the works of the best Russian guitarists “Eti parni s gitaroi”. In 1997 Sergei Mavrin together with Valeri Kipelov (legendary vocalist of Aria at that time), Pavel Tchinyakov (ex-«Hellraiser») and Alik Granovski («Master») recorded the album «Smutnoe Vremya». On this record Sergei for the first time came up as an active author of the songs and arrangements. This disc became a real sensation, and it sold 3.000 copies BEFORE its official release.

Mavrin’s own stable band called “Mavrick” was born on 21th of May 1998. The debut album “Skitalets” followed soon. It was recorded with the participation of Pavel Tchinyakov (ex-«Hellraiser») and Artur Berkut (ex-Autograph and the future Aria’s vocalist). In 2000 the 2nd studio work “Neformat-1” was recorded with the new vocalist. In 2001 one of the most famous and respected albums over the whole Mavrin’s solo career «Khimitcheski Son” saw the light of day. With this album the band changed its name to “Sergei Mavrin” and presented its new vocalist Artyom Styrov. Under this name another studio masterpiece “Zaprestchennaya Realnost” (2004) was done. In 2002 Sergei Mavrin accepted the invitation to join the new band of Valeri Kipelov (who left Aria together with some colleagues) KIPELOV. The musician worked with KIPELOV since 2002 to 2005 simultaneously with his solo career. It was continued in 2006 with the release of the next studio album “Otkrovenie” with the new frontman Andrei Lefler. Double live CD «Live» was out in 2007. This same year Sergei released instrumental CD “Fortuna”. And on the wave of this success, live dvd “Made In Piter” saw the light of day at the end of 2007.
CDM's releases
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Moya Svoboda
Cat. ¹: 2987/d | 2010  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
This is a full-length album of the band formed by Sergei Marvin (Mavrick), the first one since "Otkrovenie" released in 2006. Mavrin is one of the most renowned and respected guitar players on Russian heavy metal scene. First, he was a member of classical line-ups of such major Russian metal acts as ARIA and KIPELOV. Then Sergei Mavrin decided to establish his own band. This material follows the tradition of Mavrin's most successful CD "Zapreshchennaya Real'nost' (2004). The legendary Russian metal singer, Artyom Styrov came back to Mavrin's band exactly befote the musicians started to compose this material. Artyom was at the roots of the band recording lead vocal parts for such significant CDs as Khimichesky Son, Zapreshchennaya Real'nost', Obratnaya Storona Real'nosti. The famous Russian Gnesins Academy's graduate, Artyom is a great experienced frontman, having high clear professional vocals with his own peculiarities which mark Styrov out of the great mass of his colleagues. This album presents many superb songs, from heavy metal killer tracks with exciting melodies, to beatiful mid-tempo compositions and romantic ballads.
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Cat. ¹: 2499 | 2006  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal / Melodic Metal]
This album introduces the new at that moment vocalist Andrei Lefler. And, as always, the band didn’t make a mistake. There is a typical sound by “Mavrick” but this time a little bit softer. Sophisticated parts and structures with great melodies. Every song is a real universe. The cover artwork is done by the well-known Russian designer Leo Khao (also Aria, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth and others, Russian fantasy bestsellers). 2 bonus tracks.
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Neformat 2
Cat. ¹: 2961 | 2009  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The single Neformat 2 is a long-awaited CD of the renowned Russian guitarist Sergey Mavrin (ex ARIA and KIPELOV) and his solo band, the first studio record after Otkrovenie album from 2006. This single brought a sensational re-union of Mavrin’s band with the well-known and very respected Russian singer Artyom Styrov. It’s with him that Mavrin recorded the most famous albums of his solo career such as Khimitcheski Son, Zapreschennaya Realnost’ and Obratnaya Storona Realnosti before the split. This single presents two new songs, one instrumental version and a sensational cover version of the old ARIA’s classical hit from 1987 Dai Ruku Mne recorded together with the current ARIA singer Arthur Berkut, the bass player of the band Vitali Dubinin and Stas Vitart besides the actual members of Mavrin’s band.
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Live In Studio (cd1)
Cat. ¹: 2640/u | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The best off entire Sergei Mavrin solo career recorded live in the famous studio “Tcherni Obelisk” in Moscow on 7th of December 2006 with the line-up of that time. 20 songs including the stuff from the most famous of Marvin’s albums like “Smutnoe Vremya”, «Khimitcheski Son”, “Zaprestchennaya Realnost”, two hours of spontaneous live sound. New sound, new arrangements, new drive. The first part.
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Live In Studio (cd2)
Cat. ¹: 2641/u | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The best off entire Sergei Mavrin solo career recorded live in the famous studio “Tcherni Obelisk” in Moscow on 7th of December 2006 with the line-up of that time. 20 songs including the stuff from the most famous of Marvin’s albums like “Smutnoe Vremya”, «Khimitcheski Son”, “Zaprestchennaya Realnost”, two hours of spontaneous live sound. New sound, new arrangements, new drive. The second part.
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Fortuna (cd 1)
Cat. ¹: 2700/u | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Instrumental]
The 1st part of the first instrumental guitar album on Russian heavy metal scene from one of the most famous and respected rock guitarists in Russia. All the material for this double CD album is composed (excepting a classical fragment of Adagio in Gm T.Albinoni) and played by Sergei Mavrin himself (excepting a few quest parts including Vladimir Kholstinin, ARIA - mandolina solo). This disc presents the various stuff including metal, rock and neo-classical elements, which reflects diverse emotional colors. Mastered in the famous studio R-Sound. The cover artwork is done by the well-known Russian designer Leo Khao (also Aria, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth and others, Russian fantasy bestsellers).
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Fortuna (cd2)
Cat. ¹: 2701/u | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Instrumental]
The 2nd part of the first instrumental guitar album on Russian heavy metal scene from one of the most famous and respected rock guitarists in Russia. All the material for this double CD album is composed (excepting a classical fragment of Adagio in Gm T.Albinoni) and played by Sergei Mavrin himself (excepting a few quest parts including Vladimir Kholstinin, ARIA - mandolina solo). This disc presents the various stuff including metal, rock and neo-classical elements, which reflects diverse emotional colors. Mastered in the famous studio R-Sound. The cover artwork is done by the well-known Russian designer Leo Khao (also Aria, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth and others, Russian fantasy bestsellers).
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Khimichesky Son
Cat. ¹:  | 2001  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 3rd studio album and one of the most famous records in the solo career of renowned Russian guitarist Sergei Mavrin (ex-Aria, ex-Kipelov). This studio effort turned out to be heavier than its predecessors. It is the first album recorded with respected Russian singer Artyom Styrov who became a very good replacement for Artur Berkut (currently – Aria’s vocalist). The rest of Mavrin’s solo band in this record is no less strong: Alexei Kharkov - bass (Kipelov), Alexander Karpukhin – drums (ex-Master), Yuri Alekseev – rhythm guitars (ex-Black Obelisk). Besides guitar parts, Sergei Mavrin recorded all keyboards and also performed the duties of the arranger, sound-engineer and producer.
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Cat. ¹:  | 2002  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
This is a special compilation of the best ballads from the solo career of important Russian guitarist Sergei Mavrin since the very beginning, from ‘Smutnoe Vremya’ album (1997) until ‘Khimitcheski Son’ CD (2001). All the songs were re-mixed, and some parts were re-recorded in 2002. A brilliant and diverse collection of songs recorded with various Russian metal stars involved in Mavrin’s solo career until 2001, including the top Russian metal singers Valeri KIPELOV (ex-Aria, Kipelov), Artur Berkut (ex-Autograph, Aria), Artyom Styrov, as well as the first permanent Mavrin’s solo band vocalist Stas Vitart, bass player Alexei Kharkov (Kipelov), guitarist Yuri Alekseev (ex-Black Obelisk) and others.
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Zapreshchennaya Real'nost'
Cat. ¹:  | 2004  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 4th and the most successful album in the solo career of renowned Russian guitarist Sergei Mavrin (ex-Aria, ex-Kipelov). Three years passed after the remarkable release of the previous studio offer ‘Khimitcheski Son’, and that period of time was full of activities including Mavrin’s participation in KIPELOV, the band established by former ARIA’s singer Valeri Kipelov. Valeri and Sergei worked together in Aria, then Kipelov took part in the first of Mavrin’s solo experiences and in his turn Sergei supported the first steps of KIPELOV band. No wonder that after all these years on the top level of Russian metal scene Mavrin and his colleagues presented a real heavy metal masterpiece, of a high degree of perfection and virtuosity regarding playing and recording. Diverse material, full of allusions to the various folk traditions, oriental and Russian, and to the classical music, on true heavy metal base in the spirit of classical Aria’s stuff. It was recorded with outstanding singer Artyom Styrov, bass player Alexei Kharkov (Kipelov), guitarist Yuri Alekseev (ex-Black Obelisk) and new drummer Pavel Elkind.
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Obratnaya Storona Real'nosti
Cat. ¹:  | 2005  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
Mini-album recorded right after Sergei Mavrin left KIPELOV band. The last effort with the singer Artyom Styrov (until his come-back at the end of 2009). This release included two new songs and two special tracks: ‘Prorok’ represents the new version of ‘Padshy’ composition from Zapreshchennaya Real'nost' album with the new lyrics by Margarita Pushkina; and Krylya - the instrumental allusion to the most important KIPELOV’s hit ‘Ya Svoboden’. The cover artwork is done by legendary artist Leo Khao (Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Primal Fear, Aria etc).
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