KRUGER is one of the oldest heavy metal bands on Russian metal scene. In 2009 they celebrated the XX years anniversary. Formed in 1989, they have the proper army of true fans – Steel Brotherhood, they are very respected among bikers’ audience and they are very famous among Russian metalheads for their incredible live performances including fire show, special effects and various technical features like the “motodrums” or the “guitar-dragon”. The band itself classifies its original style as Diesel Rock, which they invented basing on classical heavy metal and thrash metal. One of the most interesting features in their music is a combination of male (Hammer) and female (Jina) vocals. The mastermind of the band Hammer is also famous among the audience as a writer, philosopher and a social figure.

Formed in the middle of 1989 by the guitarist and the vocalist Alexander Hammer, initially the band played death metal being one of the first representatives of this style in Soviet Union and Russia. Since the very beginning, live performances of the band attracted the fans by the outstanding fire show, special effects, metal costumes, decorations and various technical devices. And it’s still remains one of the trademarks of KRUGER. At that time the band actively played at the main rock festivals like MONSTERS OF ROCK OF USSR sharing the stage with such legends as ARIA, KRUIZ, BLACK COFFEE, SHAKH, BLACK OBELISK among others.
In 1993 KRUGER reached the first place in the national Polish radio with the LP “Rozhdenny Mrakom”. In the first period of its history the band released two albums “Rozhdenny Mrakom” and “Embrion Satany” on vinyl and recorded the material for two more albums but didn’t finish them. KRUGER was stopped for a few years (1994 - 1997). In 1997 Hammer formed a new line-up. In 1998 KRUGER recorded the disc «Deti Vrazhdy” in the following line-up: Hammer – guitars, Jina Rock’n’roll – vocals, Bulldozer – bass and Diesel – drums. After releasing of two more albums, Bulldozer left the band and the band remained as a trio (Jina also plays bass). The band continues recording new albums, re-releasing the old cult stuff and playing its incredible shows.
CDM's releases
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No Kompromiss
Cat. ¹: 1913 | 2004  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 6th album of the band made in the best traditions of KRUGER’s trademark – Diesel Rock. The culmination of pure energy, drive and heavy rock’n’roll. Conceptual album about the way of Messiah with the elements of classical music and typical heavy metal stuff and anthems. Recorded in Black Obelisk studio, one of the most renowned studios in Russia.
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Deti Vrazhdy
Cat. ¹: 1658 | 1998  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
Re-issue of the 3rd album of the band with new high-quality sound and a rare bonus track. It was recorded after quite a long break, after the band had been stopped for a few years and demonstrates a new direction with more hard rock and heavy metal elements than trash and death stuff, strong and very heavy album with the great ballad “Ty ostalsya odin”.
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Rozhdenny Mrakom
Cat. ¹: 1657 | 1992  [CD-Maximum][Thrash Metal]
Re-issue of the legendary classical 2nd album of KRUGER. Before the re-release on CD it existed only on vinyl LP in the collections of true fans. It reached the first place in the national Polish radio.
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Dusha Izuvera
Cat. ¹: 2329 | 2005  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 7th album of the band, a conceptual one in the best traditions of KRUGER and STEEL BROTHERHOOD. Recorded in Black Obelisk studio, one of the most renowned studios in Russia. Especially recommended to the fans of Motorhead.
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Zhivaya Stal`
Cat. ¹: 2527 | 2006  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
KRUGER is one of the most attractive heavy metal acts in Russia with its live performances. This is a live album recorded in August 2005.
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Cat. ¹: 2628 | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Death Metal]
Classical first album of KRUGER, re-released on CD in 2007 (previously available on vinyl only in fans’ collections). This record gives the band the status of the pioneers of death metal.
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Skaly I Stal`
Cat. ¹: 2744 | 2007  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 8th album of the band was recorded in one of the best studios in Moscow Dreamport with Max Samosvat (Epidemia) and Tom Tokmakov. Due to the efforts of these renowned producer and sound engineers the sound of the band became powerful and full of drive and energy as never before.
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My - Rock!
Cat. ¹: 2626 | 2008  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
Re-issue of the 4th album of the creators of Diesel Rock. The best record to understand the musical and philosophical trademark of KRUGER. True heavy metal hits, two bonus tracks.
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Devyaty Messiya
Cat. ¹: 2940 | 2009  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal / Thrash Metal]
This is the 9th album with strong original conception and dramatic story written by the guitarist and the vocalist of the band Hammer. Powerful riffs, catchy and delicate melodies, fast and technical solos.
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Shipy I Rozy
Cat. ¹: 2952 |    [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
This special compilation released to the XX years anniversary of the band contains three new compositions together with the old hits digitally re-mastered.
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Vera I Religiya
Cat. ¹: 2957 | 2002/2009  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
This album got the cult status on Russian underground scene. It made the metal movement in this country more solid and more trustworthy. No wonder, that the original material was re-mastered and re-released in 2009 with two bonus tracks.
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Cat. ¹: 2963 êí | 2010  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 10th studio album of one of the oldest Russian heavy metal bands. The musicians themselves call their music “diesel rock” and they always have some strong social conception behind their music. This album continues the series dedicated to so-called “Russian idea”. This strong heavy metal material is completed by various elements like the sounds of Russian traditional orthodox church music (psalms, church choir, church bells and others).
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Tolko Dlya Belikh Dushoi
Cat. ¹: 2983 | 2010  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The 11th album of one of the oldest heavy metal bands on Russian metal scene, a new heavy shot of "hamer metal" (Hamer is the name of the mastermind, guitarist and the vocalist of the band). One of the most powerful CDs in the history of the band. This album of the kings of diesel metal presents the mix of rebellion atmosphere and passion expressed in heavy sound. It's a kind of sequel to the previous album Ordamor. The main idea is dedicated to Russian history and to the reflection of its future.
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Volch'ya Yama / Pyatnitsa 13
Cat. ¹: 2998/2999 | 1987-89/2011  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The only full-length album Volch'ya Yama and live album Pyatnitsa 13 of the first band of Alexander Hamer (KRUGER) have been restored, remastered and re-issued thanks to the requests of true fans. This material makes us come back to the glorious 80's when the time of heavy metal culture was only in the beginning, and the Soviet society felt the wind of change.
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