[09/12] К. СЕЛЕЗНЁВ: нов...
[08/12] АРТУР БЕРКУТ, гр...
[04/12] А.СМИРНОВ: Новый...
[01/11] А. БЕРКУТ: новый...
Solli: Lead & backing vocals
Lars Levin: Electric, acoustic & bass guitars, keyboards, backing vocals
Additional musicians:
Frank Tostrup: Drums & percussion
Celio de Carvahlo: Percussion on 4 & 7
Leif Johansen: Backing vocals on 7 & 11
Drums samples played by Mike Sturgis

In 1999 guitarist Lars Levin (SECOND HEAT, Session musician, producer) was recording a bunch of songs he had written the latest years. Solli (SONS OF ANGELS, PSYCHO MOTEL, 21GUNS) was hired in for backing vocals and it sounded so good they decided to work together on a long term basis. Early 2001 they started recording the first GREENHOUZE album. It was finished in November 2002. One year later they secured a 3-album contract with MTM MUSIC.

The album features 12 tracks which has a huge, updated AOR sound for the 2000’s and beyond. Both the music and the lyrics express urban alienation vs the deep sense of mystic harmony in nature. With this album the Norwegian Rockers have created a unique sound, but at the same time resembles bands as diverse as Pink Floyd, U2, Bad English, Whitesnake, Boston and Mr. Mister! Solli has a voice that goes from melodic and emotional to intense and plain aggressive. Lars Levin combines strong riffs with melodic leads and from time to time an acoustic guitar is in there to. He also plays the lush keyboard landscapes, deep bass guitar as well as singing back up vocals. The drums are handled by Frank Tostrup (Shirley’s Temple) who has written the title song for Gene Simmons' new solo album, "Asshole". Together with Lars Levin they appeared at Norwegian TV recently. Percussion was performed by Celio de Carvahlo, and additional backing vocals by Leif Johansen (21Guns, Phenomena, A-HA).

These guys from Norway have introduced themselves with a demo CD sent by mail. "Every day we receive demos from all over the world, but only once in blue moon the enthusiasm of the first soundcheck is as great as in GREENHOUZE's case,"
says Mario Lehmann, joint owner and managing director of the Munich based label MTM MUSIC, who promptly put of copy of the CD into his car's stereo. There, it's on "heavy rotation" until it can be exchanged by the real pressing.

On this album every song is different from each other, thus maintaining a signature sound. The music of GREENHOUZE is likely to fit the Hard Rock/AOR audience as well as the mainstream market.
CDM's releases
Cat. №: 2173 | 2005  [MTM MUSIC][Hard Rock]
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