[09/12] К. СЕЛЕЗНЁВ: нов...
[08/12] АРТУР БЕРКУТ, гр...
[04/12] А.СМИРНОВ: Новый...
[01/11] А. БЕРКУТ: новый...
страна: США
год образования: 1985-1987
стиль: power metal

Состав :
Bruce Hall - вокал
Juan Garcia - гитара (также EVILDEAD & ABATTOIR)
Bernie Versailles - гитара (также ENGINE)
Karlos Medina - бас (также EVILDEAD)
Rigo Amezcua - барабаны

ранее играли:
John Cyriis - вокал (на "Skeptics Apocalypse", "Mad Locust Rising" & "Unstoppable Force")
Chuck Profus - барабаны (на "Skeptics Apocalypse", "Mad Locust Rising", "Unstoppable Force" & "Omega Conspiracy")
Geroge Robb - бас (на "Skeptics Apocalypse" & "Mad Locust Rising")
Kurt Colfelt (Kilfelt) - гитара (на "Skeptics Apocalypse")
Mike Zaputil - бас (на "Mad Locust Rising")
James Murphy - гитара

По легендне лос-анжелесская группа AGENT STEEL стартовала в 1984 году, когда у John Cyriis и Chuck Profus появилась идея формирования Speed Metal группы с текстами, сфокусированными на научной фантастике и т.п.. Эта была достаточно интересная концепция, и музыка ей соответствовала. Thrash Metal только делал свои первые шаги в то время. В 1985 году EXODUS издали "Bonded By Blood", ANTHRAX выпустили "Spreading The Disease", DARK ANGEL - "We Have Arrived", а также METALLICA, MEGADETH и SLAYER готовили к выпуску свои знаменитые вещи, "Master Of Puppets", "Peace Sells" и "Reign In Blood". В том же самом году, 1985, AGENT STEEL взяли Juan Garcia и на фирме Combat Records выпустили свой дебютный диск "Skeptics Apocalypse".

AGENT STEEL made their mark incorporating all the aggressive elements of the Bay Area Thrash scene with soaring vocals inspired by Metal gods JUDAS PRIEST and IRON MAIDEN. In fact, Kerrang magazine dubbed AGENT STEEL, "IRON MAIDEN on speed." In 1986, AGENT STEEL recruited 18-year-old guitar virtuoso Bernie Versailles to replace Kurt Colfelt and released "Mad Locust Rising", an EP to fill the gap between "Skeptics Apocalypse" and 1987's "Unstoppable Force". "Unstoppable Force" which was recorded at the legendary Morrisound Studios in Tampa, Florida received incredible reviews throughout Europe for the stunning musicianship and fantastic vocals and it seemed the only way was up for AGENT STEEL. Major labels began to court the band in 1987 but internal difficulties forced Juan, Bernie, and bass player, Mike Zaputil, from the fold. Chuck and John carried on with new members but the magic, for the moment, had been lost. AGENT STEEL disbanded entirely in 1988.

The next 10 years saw the various members pursuing music with little monetary success. Only Garcia released records with his classic Thrash band, EVILDEAD, which released two studio records and two Eps on Steamhammer/SPV in Europe, and Spanish Metal band, TERROR.

Juan and Chuck began playing together in a punk band for fun and the idea occurred to Chuck one afternoon that, "since we are doing this, we might as well be doing AGENT STEEL." With that thought in mind, Juan contacted Bernie and Mike and the core of the band reunited in 1998. Although their parting with vocalist Cyriis had been far from amicable, the band made numerous attempts to find him to no avail. This was most unfortunate because at the same time, Century Media bought the Combat catalogue and made plans to reissue the classic 80's records and promoters of the Wacken Open Air Festival contacted the reformed AGENT STEEL for a rare live appearance. Undeterred, the band contacted vocalist Bruce Hall whom Bernie had worked with after leaving AGENT STEEL in 1987. The band knew, especially in 1998, that there would be very few, if any, singers who could match the range of the mythic and enigmatic Cyriis but Bernie assured them that, "if anyone can do it, it's Bruce."

A rehearsal was scheduled in June of 1998 and Bruce blew the band away. After hearing him sing "Unstoppable Force", "Rager", and "Bleed For The Godz" the band knew Bernie had contacted the right man for the job and AGENT STEEL officially reformed.

Writing for 1999's comeback record "Omega Conspiracy" began immediately and contracts were signed with the U.K's Candlelight records, home of EMPEROR.

1999 brought the loss of Mike Zaputil from the fold for personal reasons and the arrival of (EVILDEAD/TERROR) on bass. 1999 also saw AGENT STEEL perform in Wacken to rave reviews and release the universally acclaimed "Omega Conspiracy". Though some were dubious as to the validity of AGENT STEEL without Cyriis, the sceptics had been silenced by the band's sheer power and ferocity and AGENT STEEL were once again regarded as a legitimate force in the Metal world.

In early 2000, AGENT STEEL, along with long time veterans ANVIL, RIOT toured Europe and successfully solidified their comeback. Metal Blade Records released "Omega Conspiracy" in North America that summer and the band continued to perform with killer bands, STEEL PROPHET, TESTAMENT, ARMORED SAINT, CAGE and many others. It seemed, again, the only way was up for AGENT STEEL. Plans were made and writing for the follow up to "Omega Conspiracy" began in early 2001 and the songs were completed in the spring; Cyriis had reappeared causing a bit of controversy and virtually stopping the band in their tracks. Chuck Profus, having had enough resigned, and Rigo Amezcua (TERROR) filled the drum stool, performing at the Classic Metal Fest alongside VICIOUS RUMORS, EXCITER, ABATTOIR, DESTINY'S END and many others. The group was still in strong demand some live shows were sporadically accomplished throughout 2002 while recording "Order Of The Illuminati" out of their own pocket. Hence, it is a record full of passion and an album genuinely from the heart.

By the end of 2002, talks with Mr. Cyriis, who now has a new band, STELLAR SEED, had finally begun. The air was cleared, an understanding was reached and Cyriis publicly endorsed this latest incarnation of AGENT STEEL saying, "The new AGENT STEEL have certainly achieved/created a great lightning bolt in behalf of truth/consciousness speed/heavy music works so they sure do deserve to wear the title/mark/stars, and most of all, silver bullets and stake, the AGENT STEEL name enforces. The ball is now in their court."

Now, in 2003, the stage is set once again for AGENT STEEL to unleash their unique brand of Metal on the world with their fourth full-length studio album, "Order Of The Illuminati", available in June through Italy's own Scarlet Records for Europe and King Records for the Japanese territory. "Order Of The Illuminati" is classic AGENT STEEL from full speed start to climactic finish. Controversial and thoughtful subject matter, memorable riffs, layered guitar harmonies and out of this world vocals combine for an hour long sonic Metal battering that will leave even the strongest Metalhead gasping for air and nursing their wounds. As always, AGENT STEEL trample where others fear to tread, disregarding convention, utterly assaulting the listener with Metal and message too powerful for the meek and too sincere to be anything but ABSOLUTE METAL.
CDM's releases
Order Of The Illuminati
Cat. №: 1458 | 2003  [Scarlet Records][Heavy Metal / Thrash Metal]
Четвёртый студийный альбом AGENT STEEL снова готов потрясти мир своей уникальной смесью из разных металлических направлений. Эта команда в Европе продала сотни тысяч копий своих альбомов и не раз делила сцену с такими монстрами, как EXODUS, NUCLEAR ASSAULT, BEHEMOTH, MORTICIAN, CARNAL FORGE, OCCULT, CALLENISH CIRCLE... Релиз должен понравиться поклонникам METALLICA, EXODUS, MEGADETH, SLAYER, ANTHRAX & OVERKILL.
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