BLACK OBELISKAndrey SmirnovМаврин
KORSIKA (ex-Tsitadel’ Vetrov) - a band from Moscow, Russia delivering a brilliant combination of good old heavy metal with an addition of old rock and new wave stuff as well as with some elements of gothic and alternative sound. Exactly, these musicians have never wanted to follow the trends and to be limited by certain style frames and their approach definitely works. No wonder that the band usually plays at full venues and take part in big rock festivals in Russia and other countries of former USSR. In 2008 they won the prestigious award by Nashe Radio (big FM radio station) for young bands.
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Apokalipsis Afterparty
Cat. №: 2941 | 2009  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal / Power Metal]
KORSIKA consists of experienced musicians, since the basic part of the band was famous on Moscow metal scene under the name Tsitadel’ Vetrov. This is the second album after changing the name and the conception. Leaving the frames of old good heavy metal, KORSIKA took the direction to the new “evil” style with alternative elements and to the rougher and more aggressive sound. The album has conceptual character with Russian lyrics reflecting the problems of modern society.
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