FACTOR STRAHA is a renowned Russian modern metal band in the vein of SOILWORK and IN FLAMES founded by the former TRIZNA’s musicians and highly acclaimed by metal audience: this is one of the most touring and the best live bands in Russia.

FACTOR STRAHA was originally established as a project of renowned musicians on Russian metal scene: the band TRIZNA and Kirill Nemolyaev, frontman and founder of the cult band BONY NEM, radio host and “happenings” organizer. Recorded in 2005, the first CD of the band “Teatr Voennykh Deistviy, act 1” presented powerful modern nu metal stuff with conceptual Russian lyrics and was highly acclaimed by the audience and metal mass media in Russia. At that moment FACTOR STRAHA consisted of five musicians: Ilya Aleksandrov (vocals), Kirill Nemolyaev (vocals), Dmitri Skopin (bass), Stranislav Vosnesenski (drums). Two very special guests, EPIDEMIA’s frontman Max Samosvat (guest vocals) and Dmitri Borisenkov from BLACK OBELISK (guest guitars) participated in the recording.

The band were actively touring around Russia simultaneously preparing the material for the next studio album “Teatr Voennykh Deistviy, act 2”. Many respected metal stars took part in the recording of the second masterpiece of the band as guest musicians: Oliver Holzwarth (SIEGES EVEN, DEMONS & WIZARDS, BLIND GUARDIAN), Vladimir Ermakov (BLACK OBELISK, MECHANICAL POET), Dmitri Borisenkov (BLACK OBELISK), Max Samosvat (EPIDEMIA), Vasili Kazurov (KORROZIA METALLA).
After the album was released in the autumn of 2006, the band parted ways with Nemolyaev. But it didn’t hurt the FACTOR STRAHA’s way. Moreover, the band reached an even stronger position on Russian metal scene. The official FACTOR STRAKHA fan-club was established. Anton Stravinski Glushko (keyboards) entered the band. After two years of active and regular tours, in 2008 the band was ready to come up with its third album “Tvoy Ideal’ny Mir”, which became even more hard and modern than its predecessors.
CDM's releases
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Teatr Voennykh Deystviy: Akt 1
Cat. №: 2282 | 2005  [CD-Maximum][Melodic Metal / Thrash Metal]
The debut album of this renowned Russian modern metal band playing in the vein of SOILWORK and IN FLAMES with the lyrics in Russian. Recorded with Kirill NEMOLIAEV (BONI NEM, vocals), EPIDEMIA’s frontman Max Samosvat (guest vocals) and Dmitri Borisenkov from BLACK OBELISK (guest guitars) in the famous Black Obelisk studio in Moscow.
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Teatr Voennykh Deystviy: Akt 2
Cat. №: 2621 | 2006  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal / Melodic Metal / Thrash Metal]
The second album of this renowned Russian modern metal band playing in the vein of SOILWORK and IN FLAMES with the lyrics in Russian.
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Tvoy Ideal`ny Mir
Cat. №: 2810 | 2008  [CD-Maximum][Melodic Metal]
The third album of this renowned Russian modern metal band playing in the vein of SOILWORK and IN FLAMES with the lyrics in Russian.
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Mertvye Sny
Cat. №: 2959 | 2010  [CD-Maximum][Melodic Metal]
The 4th studio album of the leaders of Russian Modern Melodic Мetal Factor Straha was recorded in the best traditions of the genre. Powerful energy, nice catchy melodies, super metal killers and incredible ballads… The band was formed on the base of an old legendary metal act Trizna, but Factor Straha itself has already got its own place on Russian metal scene. Guest appearances: Dasha Nookie (Slot), Vladimir Ermakov (Black Obelisk), Maks Oleinik (Ivan Tsarevitch), Vlad Ivoilov (Amalgama).
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Cat. №: 2912 | 2008  [CD-Maximum][Jazz / Progressive Rock]
This solo album of the leader and guitarist of Russian modern metal band FAKTOR STRAHA is very different from the main “job” of this musician in his band. This CD presents outstanding jazz rock, sophisticated and elegant. Seleznev recorded all the instruments himself, produced, arranged and mixed this masterpiece.
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Territoriya X
Cat. №: 3004 | 2011  [CD-Maximum][Heavy Metal]
The second solo album of Konstantin Seleznev - the leader of the FACTOR STRAHA band. Unlike the first instrumental work this album is song. It consist of dfferent genres: from heavy metal, rock, grunge to trash. The album contains two bonuses - video clips of Factor Straha for the songs "Vyshe sil" and "Noch'" and also selectively stories from humorous collection "Svetoprestavlenie" by K. Seleznev. Also should be added that the album contains one song with the vocal of Il'ya Aleksandrov. This song wasn't included in the last Factor Straha album "Mertvye sny".
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